Book Review #20 - Windmills of the gods by Sidney Sheldon
Good Day,
My opinion: You can skip this one.
Windmills of the gods
by Sidney Sheldon
Another Day Another Sidney Sheldon Babyyyyy. I am watching a lot of Rick and Morty lately 😂😂. It was not as awesome as other Sidney Sheldon books I have read but the experience was refreshing.

Mary Ashley is a beautiful and intelligent professor teaching at Kansas State, is chosen to become the Ambassador of Romania by the newly elected President of USA Paul Ellison to promote his 'people to people program'. She declines the offer and in some time, her husband dies in a road accident and she agrees for the post and the plot thickens.
Will she able to forget Edward(Husband) and help the President to fulfill his project?
The only part of the book which I enjoyed was the ending, it escalated quickly and all the mystery of the book blew up in a couple of pages. I agree that the twist was great but the whole buildup for the moment was boring. Apart from the climax, parts where Mary manipulated the Romanian President was quite amusing. Overall, the story is okayish.
Most of the time in a Sidney Sheldon book, you learn a lot about the profession which is involved with the main character but this book may disappoint you in that aspect. Further, there are some really intriguing characters in his books especially feisty female characters like Tracey Whitney in "If tomorrow comes" or Kate Blackwell in "Master of the Game" who take control of the plot and that thing was missing in this novel.
I am not shitting on this book, but I have not thoroughly enjoyed it. If you read and can guess who Angel is/was, Hats off to you.
My opinion: You can skip this one.
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