Book Review #7- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Good Day,
The Last Lecture
By Randy Pausch
This book is on human nature, that how important it is to leave behind a legacy even in the final stage of a terminal illness.

Randy Pausch(Author), was an American professor of computer science, human–computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, i.e, the most lethal cancer, even if it gets cured only 4% of patient survive to see more than 5 years. He has a wife named Jai(pronounced Jay) and 3 children Dylan, Chloe and Logan who were too young to take life lessons or even remember him for that matter.

His Family
So the author is faced with a challenge of making some material which will leave something for his kids while they grow up and know who their dad was..
This guy is very optimistic, even when doctor told him that he will have only 3 to 6 months of healthy life, his brain is still functioning properly despite of the news and makes observation on doctors response to Jai's breakdown. Due to the background story of the book you may feel that this book is full of tragedy, then you are horribly wrong.
Author has based his book on his childhood dreams, in which he has given a lot of importance on values imbued by his parents, teachers and his football coach. Most extra ordinary thing about this book is neither its exhilarating suspense nor a story full of twists in plot. Neither it had an aesthetic language nor it had any robust philosophy but the author himself, who in this dire situation is not hungry for pity rather wants to inspire people around him, more importantly leave a great content for his children, so that he can fill a tiny space in an astronomical void.
While reading the book you can clearly sense author's vanity but we can permit him that as there is a lot to learn from this book.
Link for his last lecture( watch this after reading the book).
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