Series Discussion #1 - Rick and Morty S3 Ep7: The Ricklantis Mixup

Good Day Rick and Morty S3 Ep7: The Ricklantis Mixup No book review this week. I got super lazy this week and read very few pages of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. It is very interesting but somehow I am not able to commit or motivate myself to read. So, here we are with a brand new segment of Series Discussion. This way I can write a blog and mooch on other people's content. I have been wanting to do this for a very long time almost like a year. 🚨!!Spoilers Ahead!!🚨 The Ricklantis Mixup is by far my most favorite Rick and Morty episode. In 22 minutes, they achieved what a 2-hour or 3-hour movie may not do. In my opinion, it is one of the darkest episodes that I have seen and at the same time is very robust in making a political reality that skews towards our present-day society. BTW, Evil Morty is back babyyyy and now he becomes the president of Citadel of Rick which opens up the gates for more awesome episodes in the future. J...